Phillips Families Needed


We have been contacted by Robert looking for information on Alexander Phillips. If anyone knows anything about this Phillips Family, please contact Nancy using the forum or the contact page. She will relay the information to Robert.

Robert wrote...

I am interested in information on my Phillips line.  My ggggrandfather was Alexander Phillips born in Holland 1775, married 1811 in Baton Rouge to Rosina Thomas.  Their daughter Rosina born 1823 New Orleans LA married Nathan Haber 1846 New Orleans LA. They had 6 children then divorced. One child was Ella S. Haber Cotton.  Rosina married widow of her sister, John Cotton.  Ella S. Haber married Manning C. Staples. I have quite a bit of information on these people and their siblings. Would love to share with family members of this group.  Ella Haber's daughter Rosina Staples married Gayden R. Davis. They were my grandparents.  I do not know any one of this blood line with Phillips name. Any assistance would be appreciated.