• According to Dick Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter, Ancestry.com is performing maintenance on some of its existing databases in order to improve accuracy.  Click


  • Airing January 9, 2013, at 9 pm on PBS is a new program entitled "Decoding Neanderthals".  In this program, NOVA will explore the implications of the exciting new discovery that Neanderthals have left a


  • Phillips Tests in Progress at FTDNA as of 01/07/2013:

    One of the "growth industries" of the past year has been online "webinars."  Almost unheard of a year ago, webinars have become very popular for providing genealogy instruction, demonstration of


  • 2012 was a very busy year for genetic genealogists.  There were lots of discoveries and announcements that affect everyone, now and in the future.  Click
