• A 30,000-year-old fossil finger bone found in a Siberian cave belongs to a previously unknown strain of humans, scientists say.  The surprising discovery came after researchers analyzed unusually


  • Whether in sports, business or any other activity, scientists have found that men with the Warrior Gene Variant were more combative than men without this variant.  The Warrior Gene is a variant of the gene


  • The following tests were underway at FTDNA as of 2 January 2011:

    Due Date,


  • The January 2011 issue of the Phillips DNA project's newsletter has been posted on this website.  Just click on the News tab in the blue bar above and you can choose to read the newsletter in plain text or


    George Stephanopoulos underwent DNA testing to promote "Faces of America With Henry Louis Gates, Jr," a four-part series on family histories premiering Wednesday February 10th on PBS.  Stephanoloupos
